- Adversity is the law of life, and it’s through bitterness that we grow to be mature.
- You don’t have to become the girl that everyone loves, but you must become the girl that you love!
- Even if it’s bitter, it’s a good lesson to remember, to engrave it deep, not to fail, to succeed.
- Even if you fail all your life, you only need to shine once. The whole world will honor you.
- In this world, there are many strange people, they only see the “mistakes” of others but don’t see the “trash” on their own head.
- It’s not that they don’t see it, but they see it and don’t care. For many people, criticizing others is a source of joy.
- The truth is that no one is perfect in this world, so accept that there will be some people who always try to find your mistakes.
- Don’t worry about what others say behind your back because they are the people who dig up the mistakes in your life instead of fixing their own mistakes.
- Accept the fact that others have the right to criticize, but you are not obliged to agree with everything they say.
- “The hardest thing in life is to understand who you really are?” – Thales
- “In a world that always wants to turn you into someone else, being yourself is the greatest achievement you can do.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- “In fact, people rarely reason right by their intellect. People often act on emotions, prejudices, and especially on their own pride.” – Dale Carnegie.
- “Live your life the way you like it, regardless of what others ridicule or speak ill of you, including your parents. Follow the guidance of your heart, make it stronger, follow your passion, and start acting to prove to others that they were wrong.”
- “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.
- “I wish I had the courage to live a life that is true to myself, not the life that others want me to live.”
15 things everyone should read at least once in life