Dealing with failure can be a challenging and daunting task for many individuals. Whether it is in your personal or professional life, failing can be a difficult experience that can lead to negative emotions such as disappointment, and even depression. However, it is important to recognize that failure is a natural and normal part of life and that it is how we respond to it that determines whether we will grow and learn from our mistakes or be held back by them.
Most people don’t reach their dream, not because of failure but because they give up. It’s not the failure that stops us but that most stop at their first failure. So how to deal with failure?
Accept Failure as Part of Your Journey
Firstly, it is important to acknowledge and accept the failure. Many people tend to deny or avoid the reality of their failure, which can lead to prolonged suffering and negative emotions. It is crucial to accept the fact that failure is a part of life and that it does not define who you are. Once you acknowledge and accept the failure, you can begin to take steps to move forward and learn from the experience.
Those who succeed don’t stop at one failure or ten failures. They don’t stop at a hundred or a thousand or a million failures. They say: “This is my goal and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it. I will learn the lessons from any failures. I will learn faster, I will work harder, and smarter and I will not quit until my dream is a reality”. That’s the difference between success and failure. Failure is a massive part of being able to be successful. You have to get comfortable with failure. Failure is where all of the lessons are.
When you work out at the gym, you’re seeking failure. You want to take your muscles to the point where you get to failure because that’s where the adaptation and growth are. Successful people fail a lot. They fail a whole lot more than they succeed. They extract the lessons from failure. They use that energy and wisdom to come around to the next phase of success.
You have to live at the edge of your capabilities. You got to live where you’re almost certain you’re going to fail. The reason is practice, practice is controlled failure. You’re getting to your limit… You can’t lift that until you get to the point that all of your body makes the adjustment and then you can do it.
Winners don’t enjoy failure but they would never let failure stop them. Next time you encounter failure, you got to remember every great thing on this planet is here because the creator learned what did work but learned more from what did not work.
Learn how the kid deal with failure
When we are kids, we don’t stop at failure. When we first learned to ride a bike, it was failure after failure… we get knocked down time after time but we get up and push forward. It’s so we’ll achieve our goal of riding the bike but then, we get old and most of us get weak. We are too soft to get back on the bike. We come up with excuses… It must not be for me! No, you’re just soft or lazy.
Tell yourself the truth and get back on the bike. Learn why you failed and make sure you don’t fall again. Make sure you are stronger for having the lesson.

Learn a lesson from the failure
It is important to reflect on the failure and identify what went wrong. This will help you understand what led to the failure and how you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Self-reflection is a powerful tool that can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your opportunities for growth and development. Be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your actions, as this will help you move forward and make positive changes.
Seek support
It is important to seek support and guidance from others. Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor can provide you with a fresh perspective and help you gain insights that you may have overlooked. Support from others can also help you regain your confidence and motivation, which may have been affected by the failure.
Don’t forget your dream
It is important to set new goals and create a plan for success. Learning from your failures can help you develop a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what you need to do to succeed. Setting new goals and creating a plan can help you stay focused and motivated, and can also help you track your progress and measure your success.
It’s always a little bit frustrating to see people have a negative relationship with failure. You’re here right now at this moment. Because tomorrow you want to be somebody greater than the person you are today.
You see yourself succeeding! You have a vision! You have a dream!
Overcoming fear of failure
Imagine if Michael Jordan was scared of missing, he would have never taken a shot.
Imagine if Steve Jobs was afraid of people not liking his product there would be no iPhone.
So, ask yourself this, do you want to be a person who fears failure or do you want to be a person who loves success? You going to have to pick today. One is a failure, and one is a success. If you love success, there is nothing that can stop you. All those negative things that people say will mean nothing.
They’re going to talk about how only 1% make it to the top. That doesn’t mean you have a 1% chance. It just means you can’t behave like the 99%. You’ll have to do something better than give up. Are you like 99% of the people around you? You have to love success because that’s going to allow you to get up and go for it.
When you love success and you start going for it… Guess what happens? You’re going to fail ten times, a hundred times. Maybe even a thousand times, but that’s okay. Failure isn’t permanent. You get right back up and keep going and this time you’re going to be stronger, and wiser. You’ll be more driven than ever and for every ten failures, you’ll land one success. You have to love success so much that you’re willing to fail ten times before you can succeed once. That’s how a winner does it.

Deal with fear and anxiety
I was walking down the street and I saw an old man who had a hat, suspenders, and a cane and was about 80 years old. This old man was barely walking, he could walk but the cane helped a lot. He was struggling.
So anyway, he was walking across the street and he ended up falling so I went over to go help him and he gets up says “Thank you” and we had a little conversation. His name was Robert and right as he walked away I told him: “Robert, you should stay inside where it’s safe, my friend!” and Robert turns around and says to me “I love walking more than I’m afraid of falling.”
I asked him: “What about your safety? Don’t you want to live?” and he told me: “Living means doing what you love to do. If I have to fall here for what I want to do in life, then so be it.” and he just walked away… He loved walking so much. He was willing to fall 10 times a day just to do it and you have to be the same.
That’s when I realized the true key to success. I always thought if I could just fear the act of failing, I would succeed because I thought the fear would magically motivate me to get out there. But after that day I realized something… I realize it’s the love for success that will lead me to succeed.
So, just imagine if Robert feared falling. Would he even start walking? Of course not, he wouldn’t even do what he loved to do. He would sit at home and take no type of action but he loved walking. He wasn’t even scared to fall. That’s what allowed him to get up and do it.
So the next time someone tells you “You’re going to fail”. Tell them they’re right but you’re not afraid to fail. You may fail 10 times but on the 11th time, you’ll succeed.

Imagine a day at the end of your life
Would you regret not pursuing your dreams, passions, and desires?
Would you regret not living your life to the fullest?
Would you regret not spending as much time with your family, friends, or loved ones?
Steve Jobs said in a speech one time that he used to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and ask himself these questions. If the answer was yes for too many days then he knew that he had to change something. That should go for all of us.
If you’re living a life in that you weren’t able to do things you wanted to do then you know that you need to change something. Life is simply too short and unpredictable not to live exactly the way you want. It is ridiculously unpredictable that on any given day die at any point throughout that day without ever being able to see it coming.
Death can teach you so many valuable things in life. No matter how much you don’t deserve to die, no matter how good of a person you are, no matter what your situation is, no matter anything it goes to show that death is inevitable and random. Everybody will die one day. Whether it’s in 50 years, in 10 years, next year, or even tomorrow. You cannot control it. The people around you cannot control it.

As long as you’re at the wrong place at the wrong time, your whole life could disappear in the blink of an eye along with everything you wished you could have done.
Whether you’re walking down the street…
Whether you’re stepping into the elevator…
Whether you’re walking down the stairs…
You’ll see people from nowhere die of a heart attack, gone with no family history, no symptoms, no cause, nothing. It happens and that’s the cruel life that we live. And it’s something that we cannot control.
At one point, death will consume you. It doesn’t care whether you floss your teeth in the morning, whether you raise a family or not, whether you go on to be rich, poor, a success, a failure, whether whatever, you are still going to die at one point. It is that simple. And knowing that you’re going to die should be the biggest motivation to both make the difficult decisions in life and to get your ass out of bed in the morning.
Why would you take a risk that puts you through stress, puts your family through stress makes you lose sleep, makes you lose time, makes you put in the extra work, and makes you take ridiculous chances that are 1 to 1,000? The chance of you being born is 1 to 400 Trillion. That number is so big you cannot even wrap your head around it.
Dare to take risk
The reason why people don’t want to take these risks is that they feel like they got a lot to lose and that their current situation is relatively nice and most importantly, they are comfortable.
They got used to living basic within society’s standards, being more rested. They got comfortable, and when you get comfortable, you don’t want to move. That comfort zone, I like to call that danger zone because this comfort zone will persuade you to stay there for as long as possible.
The best thing in life is to always have a backup plan and take into consideration, what if something goes wrong. There are a lot of people who don’t want to make any mistakes. A lot of people don’t want to fail, fear failure, fear success, and guess what else, fear the unknown. Do you know what Winston Churchill said about courage? He said courage is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. So, if you want to courageously, hold on to your dream and not lose enthusiasm.

Read positive news
People talk about John Kennedy Jr failing the bar exam. Did you read in the newspaper that he passed? I didn’t see that but did they make as big of a deal about him passing as they did when he failed? No, you know why? People like to see you fail, it’s set up like that. That’s why talk shows are so popular, some people like to hear other people’s misery.
It is important to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life. It is easy to become discouraged and disheartened after a failure, but it is important to remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Embrace the lessons that you have learned from the experience and use them to grow and become a better person. A positive attitude and outlook can help you stay motivated, focused, and determined, which are essential qualities for success.

In Conclusion
Dealing with failure is never easy, but it is a necessary part of life. By acknowledging and accepting the failure, reflecting on what went wrong, seeking support and guidance, setting new goals and creating a plan for success, and maintaining a positive attitude and outlook on life, you can turn failure into an opportunity for growth and development. Remember that failure is not the end of the road, but rather a stepping stone on the path to success.